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One day the proverbial straw will come along and I will do something violent to my computer.

I have this wonderful writing program called Writeroom. I have mentioned it elsewhere, and I turned to it today to help me focus on writing a lecture. I turned it on and was told there was an update.

`Ok', I thought. `An update from the nice people who made the nice program; I am sure that is a good idea. They are always improving and patching and generally working very hard to make my life easier. It is very kind of them.'

And so I clicked it through.

The update ran, and Writeroom told me it had to restart for it to take effect. I clicked `restart'. It turned itself off.

And stayed off.

`This is not normal behaviour', I thought. But sometimes technology is temperamental. I know that. So I decided to help things along, and clicked on the icon in the dock.

In Tor's immortal words, WTF?

Surely there must be some way to make sure you don't encourage (or allow) people to install an update which does not work on their computer. Is this an evil ploy by someone to make me upgrade to Lion?

To make matters worse, I can't undo the update.

Damn them.


Anders K.,  10.11.11 15:54

I have never seen an update that does not crash the program. Even if it means I have to start my day with the somewhat negative task of saying 'No' fifteen times, at least I can still use my computer.

I remember having issues with updates on Windows. I think the only problem I have had on my mac is that once the VLC update was buggy. I think that is why I am so upset. I am completely unprepared for this sort of thing.

Are,  11.11.11 19:57

Outrageous! Unprecedented! A software problem on a Mac?! I cannot believe my very own eyes.


Surely the Writeroom people must be offering a specific download for older Mac versions?

Have you tried uninstalling Writeroom, and find the installer for the earlier version? There's bound to be someone else out there refusing to upgrade to Lion
Christian,  12.11.11 13:44
Camilla,  14.11.11 09:42

It is not so much me refusing to upgrade as it is the upgrade simply not having happened yet (it is my work computer). I have now gotten it all back (thankfully without the hassle of having to look up the codes, which I had been contemplating with untold dread), but I am still very, very annoyed.
Last edited by
Camilla, 10.11.11 14:11