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Visiting the Gay Ranger

Today, Tim, Rebekah, Camilla and I drove to Geiranger, or "That G place" as Rebekah has been calling it, prompting Tim to say "Imagine Aragorn was gay. Then he would be The Gay Ranger. Gay Ranger, Geiranger, see, it's easy to remember." We went via Trollstigen, to get the full tourist experience, but unfortunately it was a bit cloudy, so we didn't see much from the top.

"Normally, the view is quite spectacular..."

When we got to Geiranger, however, the cloud cover had lifted a bit, and we could see the fjord, if not all the peaks. And the fjord is after all the thing that got onto the World Heritage list, even if I suspect the mountains had something to do with it as well. Fjords tend to be less interesting if viewed in isolation.


Actually, I've been wanting to go to Geiranger for a while now, and foreign visitors proved the perfect excuse. The last time I was there must be almost ten years ago, at the time when I thought it was a lot to take three rolls of film in a day, so I'm very pleased at having made the trip with a digital camera i hand. So pleased that I might in fact want to go back on an occasion with nicer weather, as well as an occasion with more dramatic weather. Plus, it would be interesting to see what Geiranger is like in winter, without all the tourists.

-Tor Nordam


But we have established that strawberries taste nice, that mist is chilly on the top of mountains, and that Geiranger is pretty even without sunlight.