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Our darling Camilla is very excited about going to the cinema over here because she gets to watch advertisments. Apparently, British ones are much better than the Norwegian kind. I obviously can't compare because I neither speak nor understand that happy language.

However, I can compare with the lovely advertisements from my faraway land.


Here's my favourite New Zealand advertisment: For our national carrier, Air New Zealand.

Perfection. A universal story told without words. And the glare at the end is gorgeous.

And here's what's possibly the best British ad at the moment: Fizzy, ginger, phenomenal.

Very funny, and a lovely mockery of High School Musical. But probably lost on a a large proportion of the population.

My little colonial outpost is better at this than the homeland.

However, I'd rather live in Scotland than New Zealand. ;)

That is all.
Camilla likes this


Camilla,  27.09.10 22:56

But I do love Irn Bru-commercials. I think this one is my favourite.

Although, remind me to serve Ananasbrus at my wedding.

:O Teenagers kissing?! Ban it!

Bless Scotland.
Camilla,  27.09.10 23:04

I think of it as a Kiwi commercial, but it turns out it is Scottish. Not to mention all the lovely Carlins adverts.

But I don't like the "did you kill someone by accident today" ads. They are very depressing.

>:( Kiwi? Never!

Yeah, NZ has loads of those killing-people ads as well. There was a video put together of them by someone in Sweden or somewhere, and I recognised about 60% of them as coming from NZ.
Camilla,  27.09.10 23:10

Everyone knows that means it is Kiwi. Just like if it's jazz it's the devil's music. It goes without saying.
Tor,  27.09.10 23:56

I just spent ten minutes searching for the If... ad, before I noticed Camilla had linked to it already. Actually, I think I'll embed it anyway, as the code is already on my clipboard:

Also, this one was pretty neat:

Camilla,  27.09.10 23:59

He looks like he is going to cry.


But don't get me started on British commercials. It is a new and exciting country. It makes me sad I don't have a tv. But I suppose that is part of what keeps the cinema ones fresh.

with a few honorable exceptions, and usually much better in the UK.

Loved these. But is the stuff any good?


Tor,  29.09.10 08:58

For a fizzy drink, it's not bad. But, like all fizzy drinks, it's junk.
Camilla,  29.09.10 10:47

Irn Bru is ananasbrus, pretty much. Scots think it is unique. Then again, we thought ananasbrus was unique, too.


Jørgen,  29.09.10 13:42

Jørgen,  29.09.10 14:35

Britisk reklame, det får meg til å tenke på «Ahhh, Bisto!».

Her er noen av mine favoritter, uavhengig av nasjonalitet. Spike Jonze er flink fyr.

Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor Norge får pepper for reklamene som vises på fjernsyn og kino. Er det ikke produksjonsselskapene som står bak og ikke en nasjonal identitet som bør klandres? I tillegg er jo budsjettet neppe like stort her i Norge som på frokostøyene. Dessuten er det vel i reklamens natur å være en smule frastøtende, siden det tross alt er skamløs reklame for et produkt man mest sannsynlig ikke trenger å bruke penger.

Men, om noen er i tvil om hvilken nasjonalitet som har de verste reklamene, kan jeg avsløre en verdig konkurrent til de norske:

Jørgen,  29.09.10 14:36

Britisk reklame, det får meg til å tenke på «Ahhh, Bisto!».

Her er noen av mine favoritter, uavhengig av nasjonalitet. Spike Jonze er flink fyr.

Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor Norge får pepper for reklamene som vises på fjernsyn og kino. Er det ikke produksjonsselskapene som står bak og ikke en nasjonal identitet som bør klandres? I tillegg er jo budsjettet neppe like stort her i Norge som på frokostøyene. Dessuten er det vel i reklamens natur å være en smule frastøtende, siden det tross alt er skamløs reklame for et produkt man mest sannsynlig ikke trenger å bruke penger.

Men, om noen er i tvil om hvilken nasjonalitet som har de verste reklamene, kan jeg avsløre en verdig konkurrent til de norske:

Camilla,  05.10.10 11:48

Just to back up my claim that Carlton has good ads. They do. I can't put my finger on why this one is good. I think it is because it is so big. Or it is the song.
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Rebekah, 27.09.10 22:28