OK, I am expecting a harsh reaction to this post, as Starbucks is - to many - one of several evil corporations helping to create a more homogenous, boring culture in the world. Hooooowever - you do get a great Caffe Mocha there, you can find their cafės anywhere, and ordering and watching the workflow can be fun. And as I am now visiting the land of the brave and home of (most) evil multinationalx - and since I've been having my breakfast in a independent cafė most days - I feel I can indulge myself and have corporate coffee when I feel like it.
Perhaps this is a sign thst I sm growing old and soft. Perhaps.
Earlier this week, I visited Starbucks during what must have been the busiest time of day. Six people were working behind the counter, taking orders, shouting instructions to each other, making coffee, heating sandwiches, getting my blueberry muffin. The place felt frantic and energic. Perhaps they do their own drugs? Perhaps.
Splash! Half a litre of icetea on the floor! Bang! The broomstick fell over, smashing into the floor. It looked like accidents were happening every thirty seconds while I was there, but I think that must have been coincidence, or maybe something was affecting chance? Reminds me that I'm looking forward to the next Wheel of Time book.
When taking the order, the guy - there were only guys at this Starbucks, I think that contributed to the frantic, warzone-like atmosphere- wrote my nsme on a cup. Thst is, he asked me what my name was, and of course, a sort of subdued hilarity in writing was the result:

I hope to report to you from McDonalds in the somewhat near future.