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djangogutta II

Last week, it was decided that we should begin a rewrite of the code behind Calcuttagutta in django. This to achive better maintainability, easier development of new and fancy features, and to allow me to participate in development without learning php and whatnot.

Status after one week is that we have set up a repository I have been hacking away a bit in my evenings, and by now I have written a primitive, but mostly functional blog application, which allows you to register as a user, add articles and comment on articles. I also thought that we should have the ability to make a more personalised profile page, with an easier address, like, and I have begun setting that up.

This evening, I started fiddling with some new functionality, like tags and categories. Just to flesh out this rather short article, I include the very first screenshot of Calcuttagutta 2.0 (or is it 3.0?):

Lastly, I have decided to use English as the development language, for the benefit of humanity in general, and also that the interface of the web page should be available in several languages.

Anyway, the main point of this article is that things are now happening. Not necessarily very fast, and not always continously, but definitely happening. So if you have a new feature you wuold like to see, but haven't told anyone about, now is the time.

More later. Now: sleep.

-Tor Nordam


Camilla,  09.03.10 10:09

I would definitely love tags. I have missed that.
And the ability to search more easily, for example in the flash forum.

I am not sure that we need both categories and tags, though. Don't they serve pretty much the same purpose, except that tags are more versatile? I may be wrong. I need to think on that.

Also, I like the red.
B,  10.03.10 22:46

ServerName takes one argument, The hostname and port of the server!

Fail indeed.